Friday, January 31, 2014

Delight-A Warm Up

I  saw a teacher of mine when I was in the store today. I was reminded of a technique she liked to use as a warm up.  I decided to try out my new oil pastels in this way. Her directions were to use any materials you like or have at hand. Then quickly apply them to the paper in any way you like. Keep going until you feel to stop. Step back and squint, turn the paper around, whatever...until you can pick out some shapes. Then define the shapes so the rest becomes the background. I was delighted to find this Korean Princess.I used watercolor over the layers of oil pastel to bring her out. The rest of the page got out of control so I stopped to have an apple.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


This piece started out as a landscape. I held the paper horizontally and had sketched out some form of flora. That was last night. In the light of day it looked like a stranger. I let my brush go where it wanted to. Do I find the result pleasing? Don't know yet.. What I do know is that I loved the feel of the brush on the paper and I enjoyed the flute music. Delightful

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Delight-and an experiment

Sandy, our cat, used to like to combine experiences. He would scoop the water from his bowl onto the floor; then dip his paw in the puddle, then lick his paw. You would think we would have learned at some point, to be cautious when entering the watering area, (Sandy lived to be 18). But inevitably there would be a shriek as someone slid through the kitchen. Did we yell at Sandy? No. It wouldn't have done any good anyway. The fact was that Sandy took delight in his daily rituals, and we wouldn't spoil it for him.

In the today's watercolor, I was experimenting with scratching the surface with the brush handle.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Playing around with rubber cement, watercolor, salt, sandpaper for a background; and oil pastels on top.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For Love of Layers

I went back to the not-so-distant archives to put this little slide show together. It was fun to revisit these pieces that are sitting on a shelf. They are all made up of many layers of watercolor and oil pastel.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Layers-mixed media

Playing with watercolor, oil pastel, watercolor pencil and sandpaper on paper.

Monday, January 20, 2014


After the first three months of treatment, there was a shift. New medicine, and the first signs of spring, changed my perspective. It was like coming out of the theater after seeing a really long movie, disoriented, and it’s still daytime. I couldn’t see the light on the horizon yet, but I knew now that I would make it through the treatments. I hadn’t died. I started each picture at the bottom of the page; creating abstract layers, horizontal, vertical and 3D, with watercolor and oil pastels. I enjoyed the process of dripping, blending and sculpting the colors, pulling them through the various layers to break through to the top. With each picture I completed, I felt like I had climbed out of a hole.
-Exerpt from "The Artful Warrior, How painting helped me survive cancer".

Sunday, January 19, 2014

To Laura-RIP

An old friend called to tell us about a passing. I'd heard some months ago that Laura was sick. She had a rare form of cancer and went down to Mexico for alternative treatment. She was a little younger than me. I didn't know her well. She was a friend of some friends. Nice woman. She hired me to do catering when she was the captain of a gig.
I'm sad to hear the news. It brings home the fact that I'm lucky to be alive. I'm posting a video I made just before I had surgery.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I'm enjoying my creative 'experiments'. Today I'm playing with photoshop and animation. Just learning where the buttons are.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Flow-Yin and Yang

Flow can be recognized occuring within the most dire of circumstances.

"I decided to paint in the living room, where the light was the best. I cleared off a couple of bookshelves, filled baskets with supplies and sat in my recliner with pillows propping me up. I placed everything I needed around me: tissues, beverage and remote for the music. I used watercolor from a tin as it was compact and the cleanest method.

Over the years, I’d rendered flowers, fruit, and figures. I made wrapping paper and greeting cards for friends and family. I’ve never painted abstract forms before.The process was what interested me most. I began with several layers of light-colored washes. As the paint dried, I picked out shapes that appeared and applied more paint. When a layer was completely dry, I used oil pastels to sharpen, define, or blend with the paint. I was able to paint for at least part of most days. When I grew impatient with a piece, I told myself to just keep going and explore what might happen. After all, I had the time.That freedom allowed me to fully relax into the painting process. My mind and body were (relatively) quiet and peaceful; my thoughts were only of the colors and shapes." Excerpt from, The Artful Warrior: How Painting Helped Me Survive Cancer".

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So I went on a tangent and found myself trying out the YouTube slide show maker. I had a bunch of tree images so I uploaded them. I hit a few buttons which gave me a format and music and I have this little video. Yes, just like that, 1-2-3. No I didn't really know what I was doing, but I was in flow...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Flow in the mundane

My observation of people knitting is that they get a rhythm going and they have a peacefulness about them.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gone with the Wind?

 I feel so unsettled on this windy day. I seem to be providing resistance. What prevents me from going with the flow today?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I have resistance to this prompt.
What does ‘obstacles’ mean?
What do obstacles look like?
How do I draw them?
What are my obstacles?
I don’t have to make this about me.
I could Google ‘obstacle’?
I need an obstacle course.
I’m my own worst obstacle..or best obstacle?
My neck hurts.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Good Thinking

Our structure in Deb's Mindfulness class this week included the question, "What did we want to improve upon?" I drew myself with an open mind, exuding positive, colorful thoughts.