Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Seeing the beauty-continued

I see the beauty in my condition. It's asking me to transform my discomfort
and dis-ease, in order to live more fully. It shows me the duality in all things,
and the irony of living larger by becoming smaller.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Seeing Beauty

Deb asked, "How do we see beauty?" And "How do we find beauty?"
My answer, By allowing that person, place or situation to be what it is. To objectively observe all it's parts, its colors, its vibrations. When I do that, the beauty shows itself. And I believe there's beauty in all things.

I see the beauty in the way nature works to bring balance and
order to all things.  Here the cells are gathering light and color
 to combat the disease.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Finding Beauty, too

Here's another piece from the mindfulness class yesterday. The theme was 'finding the beauty'. I think it's a very provocative and complex topic. It feels really deep to me. Fortunately, the class was small, and there were  only women who I know quite well. I felt safe enough to share what I did and got only love and compassion  in return.
I see my leg bandages as elegant ballet shoes, allowing me to
 move gracefully and poetically in ways I never thought possible.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Finding the beauty

The them of our mindfulness class today had to do with finding the beauty in something that one might not think of as beautiful. It was a provocative structure that led me to express some of what I have been experiencing due to my lymphedema dx.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cell Block A

A benefit of having Lymphaedema is that I'm painting cells every day .

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What a reception!

It was a wonderful event. The Berkshire Medical Center lobby was a perfect environment. Great turnout! I felt loved!