Haiku for a quiet Sunday
Nature repeats shapes
A microscopic image?
The cosmos maybe
I've been laying in bed since Thursday, sick as a dog. I had fever and was coughing and sneezing and I had no appetite and I couldn't eat! That's sick! By this afternoon I was out of bed, but still not so great. I played Candy Crush Soda on my IPad. I did crosswords and the jumble, using up boxes of tissues all the while.
My go-to remedy for any ailment, physical, emotional, mental, etc. is to paint. I've said it here on the blog many times: I love the feel of the brush dragging the paint, making marks on the paper. My default imagery is spheres. I've heard different explanations of what they may represent. I think of them as a pleasing shape in nature. No beginning or end, repeated within our bodies as well as our environment and beyond. Awesome.