Thursday, February 6, 2014


I arranged strips of masking tape on a sheet of watercolor paper. Then laid down washes covering the  page. I found some tubes of acrylic this afternoon so I used it like watercolor (sorta)
Then peeled off the tape and drew with cray pas and then paint in white areas.

And what is this imagery?
Well it was such a beautiful day. Even though there was more than a foot of snow on the ground, I could sense the activity taken place beneath and how it's all getting ready to burst through the layers.

Oh yeah, I was also inspired by seeing and discussing x-rays of my feet with my podiatrist.


Unknown said...

This is really cool, Andrea. I don't quite get how you did this, but I guess the magic of alchemy has to do with it being magic even if you explain how it's done. I hope your feet feel the magic as well!

Penny Cuninggim said...

Love this!
