Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nest-View from my nest at dusk


Unknown said...

Wow, I love how you have a colored ground and yet because of the bold darkness of the trees I really feel the dusk. The marks are so fluid and evocative. Beautiful!

deb koffman said...

i love the 'seen from my nest' we each interpret the prompt is so interesting to me!!! i too love the blackness of trees against the colors of 'dusk'. feels like dusk.

Margaret A. Lundin said...

This is beautiful and i too love that you are painting the view from the nest! so imaginative. It does have the feeling of dusk - that is quite an achievement.

Michele Beck said...

Very beautiful and evocative. Makes me wonder what the birds think about when they look out at the world. Well, they are probably just thinking about where to get something to eat. Then again, that is what I am usually thinking about.....