Thursday, November 29, 2018

Density and light

This week’s prompt is “density and light”. Living in the Berkshires for over 20 years, I grew accustomed to painting the view from my studio window; dense with trees, shrubs and mountains. If you’ve been following my posts, (you can subscribe at, you know that for the past several months, I’ve been painting sky, water and sand. Those pictures, of Florida, are very light; simple, sunny and expansive. Today’s picture is also Florida, but it is rather dense. It has a different feeling. It felt different in my body to paint it. Tighter.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Scaled Down 2

Scaled down 2

I peered over the canasta cards in my hand and had the thought that while Thanksgiving was small this year, it was a joyous ocassion filled with love, laughter, and fabulous dessert. It was a quiet day, rather serene as a result of good planning, preparation and of course, the best participants. I actually had time enough to paint the first layers before company came. I finished it in between the final credits and cleaning up.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Something old, something new, something smaller

Well I’ve painted variations of this picture several times. This is the latest version which I scaled down. The others were on 11”x15” paper. This one I did on 7 1/2” x 11”. It was finished in no time, but I think I enjoyed painting the larger ones more. With this one, I grew impatient with the details. I needed to use a smaller brush, load up with paint more often and made shorter and tighter brush strokes. The finished larger piece also has more impact. The difference in scale is not revealed by viewing online.  It’s impossible to tell the size from the photos.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Something old, something new-different perspective.

This new picture has the same elements as the one before; sky, shrubs, grasses, but I changed the  proportions and made the sky bigger and the foreground smaller. It changed the feel of it for me. I think the sky can be even bigger. Next time. Florida has such huge skies.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Something old, something new, too

I’m continuing to respond to the blog prompt of ‘Something old, something new’.
I lived inland for over 20 years where I developed a love of painting landscapes. I painted many pictures of  trees and mountains. What’s new for me is painting beach, sky and ocean. For this piece, I referenced a photo I took the other day at the beach. This picture shines new light on  the textures I’ve grown to love.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Something old, something new

Our blog prompt this week is something old, something new. So many thoughts come to mind, but what I’m working on right now fits in nicely. What’s old is water; ocean. Can’t get much older than that. I’ve many paintings that include water, but that’s not the focus. Also, I usually just allude to it by making a streak of blue or green.What’s new is that I’m studying how to paint the water. So beautiful and challenging. In this piece I tried creating the foam with white oil pastel.