Thursday, November 29, 2018

Density and light

This week’s prompt is “density and light”. Living in the Berkshires for over 20 years, I grew accustomed to painting the view from my studio window; dense with trees, shrubs and mountains. If you’ve been following my posts, (you can subscribe at, you know that for the past several months, I’ve been painting sky, water and sand. Those pictures, of Florida, are very light; simple, sunny and expansive. Today’s picture is also Florida, but it is rather dense. It has a different feeling. It felt different in my body to paint it. Tighter.


Unknown said...

Beautiful image. It is fascinating to hear how you feel differently painting in Florida and also to think how density and light manifest in each of these places.

Unknown said...

Beautiful image. It is fascinating to hear how you feel differently painting in Florida and also to think how density and light manifest in each of these places.