Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Here spot

To keep from losing balance and getting dizzy, a dancer will focus on one ‘spot’. With each rotation, she returns her gaze to her spot. 

When feeling overwhelmed, it can feel like I’m spinning. Finding the one thing to focus on can help to restore some balance. It can be difficult to choose the one spot as so many are calling out for attention and they all seem equal in importance. But I can only do one thing at a time, really. If I don’t pick one thing, one little thing, I got no thing. So any spot will do in a storm.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Unable to detect a network

Disconnected. No signal. Connection lost. Loading. Please try later. Invalid login.....
That’s how life has  been feeling.

Painting has not been joyful either. It feels like I forgot why and how. After several attempts at yet another beach scene, I put all those images aside and allowed myself to just apply paint to paper willy-nilly. Then I went in with smaller brushes and added some texture, etc.
Now, this felt good! I didn’t have to stay within the lines!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Where are the oars?

Lot’s of challenges lately. I knew I needed to change the energy so I joined a watercolor club. I’m still feeling sort of  “up the creek without a paddle”, but at least I started painting again. Painting helps me feel better, but sometimes I need to feel better in order to paint...
Continuing the water theme, thought I’d try something new. Here’s my first boat.
Watercolor and oil pastels
7 1/2” x 11”

Oops. Forgot to post this one.

I do not post everything I paint. I often go through quite a bit of paper, especially when I’m working with some new material or subject matter. That’s just part of the process.
This one I did a couple of weeks ago when I was playing with masking fluid. I didn’t knowwhat to say about so I put it aside....
Might as well post it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Words and pictures, etc.

Blogging continues with experienting with masking fluid. Alternate layers of watercolor and the masking here with simple shapes to see how it works. The masking stuff is going to take some practice and imagination, but it interests me...