Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Been here

I’ve become fascinated with cypress trees. I think they have a lot of character. I’ve made a number of attempts to paint them in their natural environment which is always water. It’s usually all dark and dripping with vines and forest litter. Very dense and steamy.
So I was on my, I dunno, 88th attempt when I decided to swap out the water for land. Soon I was painting a path and flowers. Here’s the funny part; I have painted this same picture before. Actually I’ve painted it a few times, but with different trees. Birches, oak, maple, pine. Yes, those are all in the northeast.
And I’ve followed this path before, too.
Where did it lead to? Good question.  ðŸŽ¶ðŸŽµðŸŽµ. I’ve been so many places in my life and time....🎵

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Let it in, let it out

Yes, there is a whole lot going on in my head. Yes I did wake up in the night and not be able to go back to sleep. Yes, I tried to transform some of that heady energy by using a painting process that has worked many times before; painting a path to lead me to a more quiet, peaceful place. I guess before I could reach such a state, I had to clear away a bunch of stuff. There’s still lots more that has to go.
Of course, someone else might look at this piece and think that the artist didn’t know when to stop.
They would also be right.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Can’t see the forest for the trees.....

“The Berkshires has mountains, tall evergreens and birches!” I was pining again🤪 Florida has big beautiful sky, endless ocean and sand. I have produced over 30 pictures of beach since before the move. No complaints. When I needed to cleanse my pallette 🤪, I did a few abstracts. Fine. The truth is, after that,  I was feeling stuck. Would start a picture and wreck it. I was uninspired. “Florida is flat. Everything is landscaped and looks the same, I complained.”
Well, you never know when and where you will find inspiration. Thank you dear friend, Edith Dankowitz, for your beautiful pictures of Morikami Park, not 10 minutes from here. Your photos energized me enough to create a landscape of my own. For today, I’m back on track.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

No words

All I can say about this picture is that it felt good to create something so freeing.