Friday, March 14, 2014

Boundary-Drawing from life

Drawing from life or a photo requires using different muscles than when I draw something abstract. There's a constant tension to looking back and forth from the subject to the paper, and the coordination between eye and hand. I'm always assessing the spaces between the lines as well as the shapes and the tones.


Unknown said...

Great drawing, and I like your description of the process. And the images reflect that.
You look like your intent (on the back and forth tension) and M in the background is softer, as the subject not wielding the ? charcoal.

Margaret A. Lundin said...

This is beautiful drawing - there is a sensitivity and feeling in it that I respond to.

Michele Beck said...

It is interesting for me to see the eyeglasses in so many of your drawings. They are so distinctive and have a great deal of personality. I feel a strong connection and caring between these two people in your drawing