Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Gratitude-Process-Thanks Deb

I'm very grateful for our Mindfulness Group led by friend and teacher, Deb.
I've learned much about 'process art'; marks on paper as inquiry, exploring options and experimentation. I've adopted these practices for much of my work outside of class as well. Here's a recent sample.

I arranged strips of tape on paper, 
painted the page with watercolor, then  removed the tape.
Filled in the white spaces with w/c and oil pastel layers.

Added and scraped away more oil pastel.


Unknown said...

I'm so grateful that you show us your process. And even though you explain it and I understand the how. it doesn't alter the magical, specifically Andrea result!

deb koffman said...

LOVE seeing, reading the process. REALLY LOVE process. and so glad I have helped in some way! yay!

Margaret A. Lundin said...

I am grateful you decided to show us the process. The pictures say it all!