Sunday, May 25, 2014


Sometimes we can only see part of something. For example:  we can only see part of the sky. On a smaller scale, we can not see a whole person or object at a time. We can see a top, bottom, side, etc., but not the whole thing at once. Today I sat by a stream in the woods. I certainly could only see part of  the whole thing.


Unknown said...

I love these musings about whole and part. The part you drew is lovely!

Margaret A. Lundin said...

I too like what you said about whole/part. It reminds me that what we are seeing is just a part.

Michele Beck said...

I appreciate your thoughts on seeing. It reminds me that this is what we do when we make art.. looking and then choosing what to put in the frame and what to leave out. The part you show here captures the feeling of a stream in the woods. I wish I was there.