Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sound and music-how it affects my drawing, continued

I will often don earphones and listen to Pandora on my Ipad as I draw. I like rhythmic music. It feels energizing and expansive. For me, aligning with the music while painting can be transformative. It’s like the last part of the yoga class when the ethereal music comes on and we do deep relaxation. I know I’m being still but I really go way out there. The difference between the yoga experience and the art experience is that I’ll have an image I can look at over and over that can instantly bring me back, in mind and body, to that lovely place. If when others look at my work, they have some positive, visceral response, I’m thrilled. And so grateful for the positive feedback.


Unknown said...

Beautiful- I love the color of the ocean. I feel like I can breathe when I see the expanse of the ocean. I hear the sounds of water gently on the shore.

wendyblake said...

beautiful colors