Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Words and pictures again

I belonged to a writing group for a number of years. The first time I attended, the leader started our session with a brief meditation. Eyes closed, I envisioned the path she described and followed it until I drifted off and went to la la land. When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see a large painting on the wall across the room and in it the path I just envisioned. Of course, you might not think this remarkable, but I began to lovingly paint paths as a result of that experience. And the end is never in sight.


Michele Beck said...

I am so grateful when I have inspiration like this- especially an image that I would want to continue drawing over and over. I love how you stay on the path and keep going. This is a beautiful drawing.

Andrea said...

Thank you Wendy

Andrea said...

Thank you Michele. I value your work and support as well.